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Fukuoka convention center

Art Fair Asia Fukuoka 2024

※五十音順*List of authors in alphabetical order below.
大澤 巴瑠OSAWA Hal/大庭 孝文OHBA Takafumi/川本 実果 KAWAMOTO Mika/佐野 翠SANO Akira/品川 美香 SHINAGAWA Mika/竹内 義博TAKEUCHI Yoshihiro/平尾 祐里菜HIRAO Yurina/藤田 薫 FUJITA Caori/羅 展鵬 LO Chan Peng/八嶋洋平YASHIMA Yohei

Art Fair Asia Fukuoka 2024


 私たちLE METTE GALLERYは広島と岡山に拠点を置き、日本と世界の芸術の豊かさとの出会いを活動理念としています。
 Affordable Art Fair香港を経て、選定させていただいた作家たちは伝統的な手法、新しい技術など作風は異なりますが、探究している姿は共通しており、それぞれの独自性を切磋琢磨しています。緻密かつ洗練された作品たちはフランス、中国など国内外のコレクターからご愛好をいただいております。

 この度のAFAF2024展覧会のブーステーマは「AISAN INCLUSION」です。


 We at LE METTE GALLERY are based in Hiroshima and Okayama and our philosophy is to encounter the richness of Japanese and international art.
 The artists selected through the Affordable Art Fair Hong Kong have different styles, including traditional methods and new techniques, but they all share a common quest and are engaged in friendly competition for their own uniqueness. Their detailed and sophisticated works are loved by collectors in France, China and other countries.

 The theme of the AFAF2024 exhibition booth is ‘AISAN INCLUSION’.

INCLUSION, which means ‘inclusion’ or ‘comprehension’, is a term that refers to the local climate, people, time, etc., refined by each artist, which will eventually form a nested structure to create the future relationship between Asia and Japan.

※以下、作家リスト五十音順 *List of authors in alphabetical order below.

・大澤 巴瑠 OSAWA Hal

現代アーティスト/ Contemporary artist.

2022年 京都芸術大学大学院 芸術研究科 ペインティング領域 修士課程 修了。
1997 Born in Tokyo, Japan. 2022 Completed Master's course in Painting, Graduate School of Art, Kyoto University of Arts.
Based in Kyoto, she expresses the bugs caused by the act of ‘reproduction’ and the fact that this act transforms the printed material into another original, even though it should have been copied. By reproducing digital reproductions in analogue form, she creates works in which the ambiguity of value is temporarily deposited in the work and made visible.

・大庭 孝文 OHBA Takafumi

現代アーティスト/ Contemporary artist.
日本画家/ Japanese-style painter

Using traditional Japanese painting materials such as glue and mineral pigments, she expresses the multifaceted ‘correctness of memory’ of herself and others by repeatedly ‘painting’ and ‘erasing or redrawing’ ‘memory’ and ‘forgetting’, connecting brushstrokes, memory and landscape.

・川本 実果  KAWAMOTO Mika

現代アーティスト/ Contemporary artist.

She focuses on the materials used for pigment dyeing, especially foam binders (pigment adhesives).
At present, she is interested in ‘water’ and ‘waves’ and pursues her own unique expression using foam binders with these as motifs.

・佐野 翠 SANO Akira


The artist works with map data shared on networks as material, and uses digital fabrication techniques such as 3D printers to create his works.
He deals with themes such as space and object, place and material, the super-individual and the Anthropocene, and creates works in which the city created by people as a social animal is likened to a mineral crystal.

・品川 美香 SHINAGAWA Mika

画家/ Painter.

She creates paintings around the theme of ‘What am I and what is a human being? She tries to re-confirm and depict the world that seems so ordinary, just as a baby confirms the world one by one by touching it with its hands and putting it in its mouth. She mixes the Japanese way of looking at things and drawing things with imported foreign ways of looking at things and drawing things in a single painting, and tries to create an expression that is realistic for her.

・竹内 義博 TAKEUCHI Yoshihiro

現代アーティスト/ Contemporary artist.

He produces paintings whose screen compositions are based on thoughts of the video games he was familiar with as a boy. In recent years, he has incorporated the materiality of the paint into his paintings, ‘when four identical icons are matched, they all disappear in a chain.’ He has also produced works based on the system and rules of the video game Puyo Puyo, which was developed in Japan during the bursting of the bubble era in 1991, with Tetris, which was created in the Soviet Union around 1984, as its basis.

・平尾 祐里菜 HIRAO Yurina


Works in metals such as copper and silver.
The colours are not painted on, but are the colours produced by the metal itself, such as oxide coatings.
Various colours are drawn out by combining traditional metal-colouring methods and metal-colouring methods that are currently being researched independently.
Her works are carved and modelled on the subject of plants.
The warm sunlight, rain, wind and many other natural elements are received together with the plants, and they live together with nature. When she sees nature in this way, she is reminded of the powerful, delicate beauty and mystery of plants.
She creates her works while reexamining the appearance of such plants and learning a great deal from them.

・藤田 薫  FUJITA Caori

彫刻家/ Sculptor.
漆芸作家/Japanese Lacquer Artists


The human body, mainly the back, is the theme of her work.
She tries to visualise the changes and differences that arise in human interactions and the ambiguity and elusiveness of such things.The artist tries to visualise these ambiguous and elusive things by using the back, which cannot be seen by the viewer.Is your back or someone else's back a mirror reflecting you?
The back is a part of the body that is difficult to be conscious of and where emotions are unconsciously expressed.For her three-dimensional works, she combines lacquer with other materials, mainly using the dry lacquer technique.Her two-dimensional works are also painted with lacquer (coloured lacquer), and in some works she also uses shells, metal powder and other materials.

・羅 展鵬  LO Chan Peng

His work focuses mainly on portraiture, using a wide range of mediums such as oil paint and ink.
Exploring the themes of time, history and the boundary between life and death, his figurative and delicate portraits provide the viewer with a visually intense experience through traces of wear, damage, incineration and dirt, visualising abstract concepts such as time and history and creating his own artistic vocabulary.
Another striking feature of his work is its ineffable expression, and its profundity is its mystery.

・八嶋洋平 YASHIMA Yohei


The work focuses on human weakness and clumsiness, such as sadness, anger and a vague sense of insecurity, and is based on the theme of visualising such emotions and psychology.
The artist says that behind the theme lies a sense of emptiness caused by self-denial and self-loathing, and that further down the line, some kind of past emotional trauma is involved.

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